Green Tea-Peach Smoothie Bowl

Green Tea-Peach Smoothie Bowl

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  • While bananas are high in sugar, the sugar is natural and is a great source of energy. In this recipe, the banana is paired with avocado, a healthy fat source. This combination helps keep blood sugar steady. Both bananas and avocados provide a wealth of nutrients and have been linked to disease reduction.

  • Is non-dairy milk good for you?

    For people who cannot consume dairy products, plant-based beverages can be a great replacement. Coconut milk and almond milk are often fortified with vitamins B12 and D to boost their nutrition. Both are also high in calcium. It’s important to note that unless fortified with it, coconut and almond milks lack protein. To boost the protein content in this recipe, you could add a scoop of your favorite protein powder.

  • How can I make the smoothie thicker?

    For a thicker texture, freeze your banana slices to make it more of an ice cream-style smoothie. To freeze bananas for smoothies, peel and slice bananas, then spread the banana slices out in a single layer on a parchment-paper-lined baking sheet. Make sure the banana slices are not touching each other so they don’t stick together when they freeze. Place the baking sheet in the freezer until the banana slices are frozen. Transfer the frozen banana slices to an airtight, freezer-safe container or bag. Label and date the bag before placing it in the freezer. For the best quality, plan to use frozen banana slices within two months of freezing.

  • What’s the best way to store a cut avocado?

    Use half of the avocado for the smoothie and store the rest for another recipe. To store the remaining avocado, leave it in the skin and keep the pit intact if you can. The skin and the pit block oxygen from reaching the flesh, limiting how much is exposed and will inevitably turn brown. To help preserve the rest of it, place plastic wrap directly on the flesh so there’s no chance of air getting to it and store it in the fridge. It should stay green for at least two days.

  • Can I double this recipe?

    This recipe easily doubles to make two servings. Make the doubled recipe at once and serve immediately. To make it in advance, pour into Mason jars with tight-fitting lids. Store in the freezer. The night before serving, transfer the jars to the fridge to thaw.

  • While bananas are high in sugar, the sugar is natural and is a great source of energy. In this recipe, the banana is paired with avocado, a healthy fat source. This combination helps keep blood sugar steady. Both bananas and avocados provide a wealth of nutrients and have been linked to disease reduction. Is non-dairy milk good for you? For people who cannot consume dairy products, plant-based beverages can be a great replacement. Coconut milk and almond milk are often fortified with vitamins B12 and D to boost their nutrition. Both are also high in calcium. It’s important to note that unless fortified with it, coconut and almond milks lack protein. To boost the protein content in this recipe, you could add a scoop of your favorite protein powder. How can I make the smoothie thicker? For a thicker texture, freeze your banana slices to make it more of an ice cream-style smoothie. To freeze bananas for smoothies, peel and slice bananas, then spread the banana slices out in a single layer on a parchment-paper-lined baking sheet. Make sure the banana slices are not touching each other so they don’t stick together when they freeze. Place the baking sheet in the freezer until the banana slices are frozen. Transfer the frozen banana slices to an airtight, freezer-safe container or bag. Label and date the bag before placing it in the freezer. For the best quality, plan to use frozen banana slices within two months of freezing. What’s the best way to store a cut avocado? Use half of the avocado for the smoothie and store the rest for another recipe. To store the remaining avocado, leave it in the skin and keep the pit intact if you can. The skin and the pit block oxygen from reaching the flesh, limiting how much is exposed and will inevitably turn brown. To help preserve the rest of it, place plastic wrap directly on the flesh so there’s no chance of air getting to it and store it in the fridge. It should stay green for at least two days. Can I double this recipe? This recipe easily doubles to make two servings. Make the doubled recipe at once and serve immediately. To make it in advance, pour into Mason jars with tight-fitting lids. Store in the freezer. The night before serving, transfer the jars to the fridge to thaw.
    Green Tea-Peach Smoothie Bowl

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